Swimming – Running
Kids 9-13 years
Cadets 14-16 years
Juniors 17-19 yo, Amators + Seniors: 20+ yo
Open category: Juniors 17-19 yo & Amators
Soon to be announced.
Age category:
- 9-13 years
- 14-16 ani years
- 17-19 ani years
- Amateurs 20-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years 50-59 years, 60 years
- Open category consists of juniors 17-19 years and amateurs.
At the age category 9-1o years there will be no ranking and they will not be awarded.
Open category awards:
Place | Female | Male |
1 | 80€ | 80€ |
2 | 60€ | 60€ |
3 | 45€ | 45€ |
The amount of the prize money is expressed in gross value and will be paid ONLY by bank transfer within 30 working days from the date of the event. No other payment method accepted.
The winners will send an e-mail to:, the IBAN account where the cash prizes will be transferred, a copy of the identity card and the tax residence certificate for foreigners.
The prizes will be paid out in the net amount, the winning prize being retained and paid by the organizer (the announced values are shown in gross amount).
All the participants will receive electronic diplomas, that will be available for download in max 1 week after the event.
The ranking, for age groups, will be made for 1st to 3rd place, each category, conformable with the official regulations of the race. In case there are less than 5 participants/ category, only the 1st place will receive the award. The award ceremony consists in offering cups for each place.
Soon to be announced.
- 2-9 february – 13 euro
- 10 february – 05 may 15 euro
- 06 may – 11 august 17 euro
- 12 august – 02 September 25 euro
- NOU* Achitati taxa de inscriere in termen de 2 zile lucratoare din momentul inscrierii (neachitarea in termen duce la anularea inregistrarii)
- Locurile nu sunt transmisibile, taxele de participare nu sunt transferabile si nici returnabile;
- Daca exista o situatie aparte (un caz de urgenta/accidentare/imposibilitate motivata de participare), locul poate fi transmis unei alte persoane; taxa de transfer in acest caz este de 60 lei;
- Modificarea pozitiei unui participant de la o proba la alta (ex: transfer Ion Ionescu de la sprint la olimpic) este posibila cu cel mult 2 (doua) saptamani inaintea evenimentului; taxa de transfer este de 60 lei;
- NOU* Daca se doreste transferarea unui concurent de la oricare dintre probele olimpica, sprint sau supersprint la proba half, se va achita taxa de transfer de 60 lei + diferenta de taxa de la proba half din momentul respective.
- NOU* Daca se doreste transferarea unei persoane de la proba half la probele aquatlon, sprint, supersprint, nu se mai returneaza diferenta.
- Ultima zi in care se pot face modificari la nivel de inscrieri (transferul de la un paticipant la altul sau de la o proba la alta) este luni 2 septembrie. Dupa aceasta data nu se va mai opera nicio schimbare in acest sens.
Potrivit Regulamentului FRTRI (Federatia Romana de Triatlon), fiecare concurent trebuie sa posede licenta FRTRI. Licenta poate fi emisa:
- pentru un an (si poate fi obtinuta prin completarea anexei 7 si achitarea sumei de 70 lei) sau
- pentru o zi (costul acesteia este de 10 lei si ii confera concurentului dreptul de a participa la concursul la care s-a inscris). La TriChallenge Mamaia, aceasta taxa va fi achitata direct de participant la fata locului (in cazul in care nu are legitimatie pe un an deja emisa si vizata).
Important! Nu se vor elibera licente de 1 an fara aviz medical, nici pentru sportivii amatori! Avizul medical va fi eliberat de o unitate medicala sportiva sau un medic de familie, cu precizarea din care rezulta ca esti apt pentru sport. Cei care au legitimatie emisa in anii precedenti trebuie sa vizeze legitimatia pe anul in curs, taxa anuala fiind de 70 lei.
Plata taxei de inscriere se poate face online si prin transfer bancar (in contul Asociatiei Smart Atletic Team, deschis la UniCredit Bank, Sucursala Niculae Titulescu, cont in lei – RO50BACX0000001250372000, CIF – 30822917).
The most important rules of the competition:
- Drafting isn’t allowed.
- Neoprene usage is announced on the morning of the race.
- If a person want to transfer from the Half race to the Aquatlon, Sprint, Supersprint, the difference is not returned.
- Participation in the individual race is done only if the participant is a holder of an a day FRTRI license or a yearly national federation license at the moment of participation.
We recommend to consult the regulation extensively here.