FAQ TriChallenge H3RO

On this page you will find the answers to some important questions about the competition of September 16th. The page will be updated constantly, so that all essential information is available to you before the big race.

1. Time limits for H3RO

It will be only one time limit for bike & swim:

  • 5h, 30 min for  H3RO (1.30pm)

Total time limit:

  • 8h, 30min

More exactly, that means an average of approximately 3min, 40sec/100m for the swim leg and 20km/h for the bike leg.

2. Bike and run route

The bike route loop is 10km long and will be covered 9 times (90km).

The run route loop will be 2.6km long and will be covered 8 times (21km).

3. The reasons why bikes can ONLY be placed in the transition area on Saturday, September 15th:

  • because start time will be very early, which means there would not be enough time to check and place 300 bikes in the transition area on the morning of the race;
  • moreover, we wish to avoid the commotion and crowding this would generate;
  • it is common practice for Ironman and Challenge competitions;
  • the morning of the race can be used to bring in the running gear and check existing equipment (bike, nutrition etc.);
  • the transition area will be enclosed by a 2 metre fence, and security will be ensured by a security company, as well as the organisers’ staff;
  • in the eventuality of bad weather, the bikes will be covered up;
  • bikes can be brought in on Saturday by another person as well, provided they can produce the competition number.

4. Transition area

The distance between the point of exiting the water during the swim leg and the transition area is 300m. The transition area will be set up in the City Hall parking, in front of Rex Hotel (on the side facing the sea).

You can check the exact location of the transition area here:

5. Traffic details 

The bike leg will take place on two car traffic lanes and the route will be secured throughout on both sides by a fence/tape. Thus, traffic will be forbidden on the two lanes.

6. Neoprene suit info

The decision as to using neoprene suits will be made according to the ITU competition rules: if the water temperature is of 22-24 degrees, then using neoprene suits will be forbidden; if it is of 16 degrees or less, using neoprene suits will be mandatory. We will announce the forecast water temperature 3-4 days before the competition, but the final decision will be made 1 hour before start time.

7. The official swimming cap is mandatory.