Official regulation for organizing and conducting the event “H3RO Mamaia 2020 ′ ′
Sprint – Supersprint – Olympic
September 18-20, 2020, Mamaia
The “H3RO Mamaia 2020” competition, hereafter referred to as “Competition”, is organized by ACS Smartatletic and aims to promote triathlon as a mass sport and to support high performance sports among Romanian triathletes.
Competition participants are obliged to respect the terms and conditions of this Official Competition Regulation (hereinafter referred to as “Official Regulation”).
The Official Regulation is drawn up and will be made public according to the law applicable in Romania, being available free of charge to any applicant on the website and at the place of the Competition.
The competition will be organized according to the ITU Competition Regulation and the Romanian Triathlon Federation, the competitors having to respect the rules presented in the ITU regulation, except for the articles superimposed specifically in this regulation.
The ITU regulation can be found at the following address:
The regulation of the Romanian Federation of Triatlon can be found at the following address:
By participating in this Competition, the participants agree to comply with all the provisions, terms and conditions of this Official Regulation and the applicable legislation and to sign the declaration on their own responsibility made available by the Organizers at the time of registration, as well as on the day of the contest, at the time of validation of the registration.
The competition is part of the FRTRI Romanian Triathlon Series circuit. The series regulations and other details are available on the official FRTRI website .
2.1. Date and place of the competition:
The competition will take place on September 19, 2020 in Mamaia, in the area of the Rex Hotel (the competition area and the routes of the three races are marked on the official map on the site, according to the schedule detailed on the program page).
The competition is taking place according to the mechanism of the Competition, as detailed in Section 3 of this Regulation.
3.1. Participants and the competition
This competition is addressed to any passionate, professional or amateur of triathlon, swimming, cycling or running, to any person whose health allows him to participate in the competition.
The minimum age of participation in the individual tests is:
20 years at the Olympic race
for 17 years at the Sprint race
for 14 years at Supersprint race
Participants in this competition can register for one of the individual races.
In the relay races, the minimum age of participation decreases as follows:
16 years at the Olympic race
12 years at the Sprint race
A relay team consists of 2 or 3 people. A person who participates in an individual race cannot be part of a relay.
3.2. Race distances
Competitors will have to race the following distances depending on the race in which they participate:
Supersprint race: 400m swimming + 10 km cycling + 2.5 km running
Sprint race: 750m swimming + 20 km cycling + 5 km running
Olympic race: 1500m swimming + 40 km cycling + 10 km running
3.3. The contest route
The competitors for the individual races will have to complete all the 3 races (swimming, cycling and running) in this order and over the aforementioned distances depending on the race to which they are registered.
The race track will be secured with 2m fences, gendarme barriers, signaling band and cones. It will have at certain points previously established persons from the organizers: route commissioners. They are responsible for completing the route in complete safety by all the competitors, as well as observing the competitors are following the rules provided in this regulation.
Competitors who do not respect the official route or shorten the route in any way (route that offers a competitive advantage) will be disqualified.
The official detailed map with the entire contest route is available on the official site, in the Route section.
3.3.1 Swimming
The swimming race will take place in the Black Sea, with the start in front of Hotel Rex. The waves and start times will be detailed on the program page.
Details about the swimming route are available on the route page.
In case of changes in the weather, such as strong winds, heavy rains, low temperatures, etc., the Technical and Medical Delegates can make the decision to move the swimming in Lake Siutghiol, change the length of the swim route or they can adopt new provisions regarding the use of the swimming suit. neoprene. The final decision will be made one hour before the start of the competition and will be clearly communicated to the athletes by the Technical Delegate.
In case of cancellation of the swimming test it can be replaced with a new running race. In the case of relays, this can be done by the swimmer or runner of choice.
3.3.2 Transition area
The transition area is common for both swimming and cycling, as well as for cycling and running.
Access to and exit from the transition area will be secured and will only be allowed to participants.
The area will be video monitored;
It will only be entered on the basis of the bicycle number;
The security will be provided by a security company.
The placement of the bicycles and the equipment in the transition area will be done according to the official program, up to 15 minutes before the first start. After this interval, for safety reasons, it is not possible to enter the transition zone, with the exception of the competitors during the race, even if the race in which the competitor participates has not been started.
The placement of the bicycle in the transition area must be made in the allocated rake segment, according to the number of competition and the race in which it participates. Devices will be provided with indicating markers of the numerical range where a bicycle can be stored at each location.
The placement of the bike in a different rake segment than the one allocated, both before the cst race and at the T2 transition will be penalized with a warning. If the competitor corrects this before the start time, a penalty of 10 seconds for the Supersprint, 15 seconds for the Sprint and 20 seconds for the Olympic distance is given.
The bikes will be picked up from the transition area only after the last competitor in the entire event finishes the cycling event. The approximate time is 2h and a half from the last start. The exact time will be announced by the referees and the MC of the event on the spot.
The bikes must be lifted out of the transition area within a maximum of one hour from the moment the last competitor finishes the running race. In the event of an athlete not showing up for picking up the bike during this time, the organizers may charge a fee for moving and storing the bike.
- a) T1 – from swimming to the cycling
It will cover a detailed distance on the route page between the swimming area and the transition area.
For competitors from the relay races the exchange between swimmer and cyclist is done before entering the transition zone in the area marked on the official map with T1. Here the rider of the relay will have to wait for the swimmer and receive the competition chip from him/her.
- b) T2 – from cycling to running
The competitors are obliged to put the bicycle in the same segment assigned as before the competition. Failure to comply with this rule will be sanctioned as detailed above.
Participants can ride the bike at the exit of the transition only after crossing the “Mount Bike” line and will have to dismount from the bike before the “Dismount line” (by putting one foot on the ground before the line) at the end of the cycling route. These two lines will be marked appropriately and will have volunteers announcing these areas. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a penalty under the ITU regulation.
3.3.3 Cycling
On the route of the cycling race the road traffic is completely closed.
Details about the cycling route (distances and number of laps) can be found on the route page.
The counting of the laps rests entirely with the competitors. If at the validation of the results it has not completed the full number of laps, he/she will be disqualified.
The route will be prepared with gendarme barriers (fences) being completely secured.
The cycling race is DRAFT LEGAL .
3.3.4 Running
The road traffic is completely closed on the run of the race. The run will take place on the promenade.
Details about the running route (distances and number of laps) can be found on the route page.
The counting of the laps rests entirely with the competitors. If at the validation of the results it has not completed the full number of laps, he/she will be disqualified.
Power points on the running route. There will be a single point on the running loop, accessible at a maximum of 2.5km, located according to the official map.
The route will be equipped with gendarmerie barriers (fences) and the band
3.3.5 Penalty area / Penalty box
According to the official map, a penalty area will be placed on the running route for serving time penalties granted by the technical officials on the swimming route, transition area or cycling route.
In this area, the numbers of competitors who must serve time penalties will be visible on a panel. It is the participant’s responsibility to check this panel to find out if a time penalty is to be served.
Execution of a time penalty
It is done by completely stopping next to the technical officer in this area, who will start counting the seconds from the penalty time. If the athlete moves during the execution of the penalty (running in place also not permitted) the technical official will stop the counting until he/she is completely still.
The penalty can be served whenever the athlete wants as long as the athlete does so before crossing the finish line. If the athlete has to serve several penalties he can choose between executing them at the same time all or one at a time.
Failure to complete all time penalties results in disqualification.
3.4. Sign up
Registration of participants is done by completing the online form on the website . Places are not transferable and taxes are not refundable.
Also consider the following aspects:
pay the registration fee within 2 working days from the moment of registration (non-payment within the time period results in cancellation of registration);
places are not transferable; participation fees are not transferable nor refundable;
changing the position of a participant from one race to another (eg transfer Ion Ionescu from Sprint to Olympic) is possible no more than 2 (two) weeks before the event; the transfer fee is 60 lei;
All competitors must have a FRTRI license. The license fee will be paid directly by the participant.
3.6. Self-declaration of liability
All competitors will complete and sign a statement on their own responsibility that they are medically fit to participate in the competition.
For minor participants in this competition, one of their parents / guardians / legal representative will complete and sign a declaration that they will give their own responsibility regarding the participation and will declare that the participant (child) is medically fit for participating in this competition.
Persons who have on their alcoholic beverages / drugs or who are under their influence, the persons who have on their weapons of any kind, explosive or incendiary materials, irritating-tears or paralyzing effect, devices for electric shocks or other objects that may be used for violent actions or disturbance of the normal conduct of the event, are strictly forbidden to participate in the competition.
Persons who violate these provisions will be removed from the event area by the organizers, with the support of law enforcement bodies, if applicable.
The days and times when these declarations can be filed are detailed on the official website
3.7. Equipment and competition conditions. Competition numbers
Competitors will participate in the competition using their own equipment. Competitors are advised to wear equipment appropriate to the weather conditions at the time of the competition.
Participation equipment must comply with the ITU regulations.
For the swimming race, depending on the water temperature, it will be announced if the neoprene suit is obligatory, optional or forbidden. Official swimming helmet is mandatory for the swimming race.
The contest numbers, the swimming helmet and the timing chip will be made available by the organizers and will be handed to the competitors after completing and signing the declaration on their own responsibility.
The competition number will be provided with an elastic and will have to be worn on the back of each competitor in the cycling race, then rotated to be in the chest / abdomen area in the running race so that they are visible. The participation number cannot be altered (cut, cut, folded) or covered in any way.
The cycling helmet is MANDATORY for all competitors throughout the cycling event and also during the bicycle warm-up before the competition.
The accepted bicycles are the road bikes. They must be in good working condition with functional brakes on both wheels. If using aero bars, they should not exceed the tips of the brake levers on the handlebar.
For the Olympic race the MTB type bicycle are not allowed.
3.8. Start and time limits
The start times and time limits for each race are presented on the program page on the website
The program may be modified and will be announced in advance.
Starts at the sprint and Olympic trials may have margins of 10-15 minutes, depending on the competitors from the previous race and the decisions of the referees on the route.
The organizers and referees of FRTRI Technical reserve the right to stop the athletes from the race and to designate them as DNF (Did Not Finish) if they determine that the athlete does not have a chance to fall within a time limit based on the time realized in the race until that time moment.
3.9. Establishing results
The ranking for each category is made in the order of arrival of each participant.
At the finish line, the time during which each participant will be able to go through the entire route will be measured using chronometric brace chips. They will need to be returned after crossing the finish line. These will have to be returned after crossing the finish line.
A minimum of 4 timing antennas will be used on the route.
Separate rankings will be awarded for each category from each race.
The list of categories and prizes is available on the Categories and Awards page of the site
3.10. Route referees, technical delegates and the referee committee
The competition will be arbitrated by a team of technical officials (ITU, Level 1 and 2) from the Romanian Triathlon Federation.
The team of technical officials and race commissioners (route referees) is selected by the Technical Delegate of the Romanian Triathlon Federation. They will cover the entire area of the tests and will supervise the observance of the route and this regulation by the competitors.
Any failure to comply with this regulation will be penalized by the technical officials by warning, time penalty or disqualification depending on the gravity of the deviation.
If a race commissioner observes an attempt to “cut” (shorten or deviate) the route, that competitor will be disqualified.
The team of referees must be made up of a minimum of 12 persons, during the triathlon races: supersprint, sprint, relay and Olympic.
3.10.1 Referee Committee
The referee commission will be responsible for resolving all appeals. The composition of the referee commission will be announced at the technical meeting before the event.
3.10.2 Submission and settlement of appeals
The appeals will be submitted to the official office of the event located after the finish area. The appeal forms will also be found there.
They must be submitted personally by the athlete or a member of the teams in the case of the coaches within a maximum of 30 minutes after the completion of the race in which they participated.
The resolution of the appeals will be carried out by the referee committee.
4.1. Titles and prizes
There will be 2 main categories for the prize fund:
OPEN (professional, elite, performance sports, competitive – legitimized and / or illegitimated) competitors, cash prizes and products as follows :
Man & Woman
olympic sprint supersprint
1st 1800 lei 1200 lei 600 lei
2nd 1200 lei 600 lei 300 lei
3rd 1000 lei 400 lei 200 lei
4th 600 lei – –
5th 500 lei – –
The value of the prizes is gross, afterwards the organizer will pay the taxes.
AGE GROUP (amateur competitors) – prizes in products and cups, places 1, 2 and 3 from each age category according to the categories and awards page
At the individual Supersprint, Sprint and Olympic races an age group will be awarded if at least 5 participants are registered. Otherwise, only 1st place is awarded;
The value of the cash prizes is also detailed in the prizes section of the website . All participants will receive electronic participation diplomas.
The value of the cash prizes will be paid ONLY by bank transfer within 30 working days from the closing date of the event. No other payment method is accepted. The winners will send by email to: the IBAN account in which the prizes will be transferred in money, a copy of the identity document and the tax residence certificate for foreign persons. The prizes will be paid in the gross amount, the taxes related to the prize won being withheld and paid by the organizer.
The official award ceremony will take place according to the official program announced on the site.
All participants will receive electronic participation diplomas, finisher’s medal, timing chip and shirt. Including those that are DNF or DNS.
DNF – did not finish (not finished)
DNS – did not start (did not start but is registered)
5.1. Administrative conditions (during the courses)
The organization of the event is the responsibility of the ACS Smartatletic Organizer who deals with the implementation of the event.
Participants who give up the race during the race are asked to show up in the Start / Arrive area to notify the route referee from that location about this abandonment.
The competition will benefit from medical assistance for accident cases that will be near the start / arrival area.
5.2. Exceptional administrative conditions
In the event of extraordinary situations that prevent the event from happening safely (eg extreme weather conditions) that cannot be foreseen, the event will be postponed or even canceled.
In case of postponement or cancellation of the event, the participation fees are not refundable. In case of cancellation of the event the participants will receive the complete participation kit.
5.3. Administrative conditions (general)
In accordance with the legislation in force, the Organizers will make public the names of the winners and the prizes awarded in this competition. The interim rankings will be displayed in maximum 24 hours after the event. The final rankings will be displayed in maximum 14 days after the event.
The organizers also undertake to comply with the provisions of Law no. 677/2001 regarding the protection of personal data.
As such, the Organizers undertake to maintain the confidentiality of the personal data of the participants / winners in the present Competition and to use them according to this Official Regulation, the declaration of the participants on their own responsibility and the legislation in force.
The competitors are forbidden to throw any rubbish in the area of the competition under the sanction of disqualification from the competition. They will be able to use either the garbage bins located in the park or the bin bags made available by the organizers in the start / finish area. The organizers will ensure the disposal of the waste at the end of the event in specially arranged areas.
People who have alcoholic drinks / drugs or who are under their influence, people who have weapons of any kind on them, explosive materials or incendiary, tear-irritating or paralyzing substances, devices for electric shocks or other objects which can be used for violent actions or for disturbing the normal course of the event are strictly forbidden to participate in the event. Persons who will violate these provisions will be removed from the event area by the organizers, even with the support of the police, if applicable.
The organizers reserve the right to modify this Regulation until the date of the competition with the obligation to announce the changes made on the site and at the place of the competition.
Event approved by the Romanian Triathlon Federation